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Bennehole Falls

Bennehole Falls (also spelled Benne hole falls) are formed when water from River Aghanashini descends down a height of 200 ft in the dense forest of Western Ghats. In the local language (Kannada), Benne means butter and hole (pronounced ho-Ley) means a bigger stream of water. The name perfectly describes the falls, as it looks like butter flowing down!

Bennehole Falls

The access to this wonderful falls is only by trek/hike. It is located at about 30 km from Sirsi. From Sirsi, drive (or take a bus) towards Kumta to get down at Kasage. At Kasage, follow the jeep track to go to the falls. (There is a small board which indicates the direction, and is written only in Kannada. If you cannot read Kannada, you ask the localities there who are extremely helpful in guiding you with the directions).

Jeep Track towards Bennehole Falls

Follow the jeep track until you reach a small village called Hosur. There are trees on both sides of the jeep track, which assists you in the trek as it is very shady. Continue further after Hosur for about two kilometers, and you will see that the road suddenly comes to an end. (There are many other deviations which lead to the falls but it is easy to get lost in those routes).

You will see a small narrow path in a corner which will take you to the falls. As you start walking for around 200 meters, you will start hearing the sound of a waterfall. If you peep through the plants and leaves, you can see the falls from a distance.

As you start walking further down, you will see a rocky terrain to get to the base of the falls.

It is not a good place to camp at the top of the falls. If you decide to camp, then it is good to get down to the base of the falls, and find a spot to camp. It takes about 30 minutes to slowly get down the slippery and sharp rocks. It is a bad idea to plan to camp at the base during monsoon, as the rocks are too slippery and you may end up hurting yourself.

This area is well-known for its numerous venomous snakes. Hence when you decide to camp, plan to have camp fire on throughout the night. Preferably two camp fires one in the front and one at the back of the tent. This will keep the land/sand warm and snakes avoid sneaking through the warm land. But again, camp at your own risk.

When you wake up early in the morning, you will realize that the falls gets much more beautiful when the early run rays falls on it. You will be mesmerized with the beauty of the falls, as the cold water runs down, splashing the tiny water droplets all over you!

You can enjoy getting into water as the water forms a pool at the base. The pool is not too deep, but deep enough to get into and play with the water. To add to this, the water current is very low which helps the play in the water much more enjoyable. However, be aware that the rocks in this area are very sharp and it is true at the pool too. Be careful enough not to get any cuts!

Being a not so well known waterfalls, you will hardly find any people around the waterfalls. Very few groups come here for treks, and camping here is extremely rare. So if you decide to camp at the base, you are all by yourself, in the middle of stunning nature!

If you are a bird lover, you can spot quite a lot of birds in this area. It is so awesome to sit on a rock and hear the various birds chirping during early in the morning! Well, I am sure just the imagining that would make you pack your bag and rush to the spot. Yes, please do. It is definitely worth it 🙂


Where to stay?

Distance Chart

From Distance (in km)
Sirsi 32
Gokarna 50
Dharwad 155
Mangalore 230
Bangalore 435
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